As a native San Antonian, Monica has had the opportunity to see the city shift and change to become the world class city it is today. Owning and living in multiple homes in a variety of neighborhoods throughout her life, she has experienced parts of the city and has local knowledge of areas that most people haven’t been able to experience.
She brings a unique perspective as your Realtor because of this knowledge, not only of the many neighborhoods, but also some of the city’s best attractions including shopping and dining. Monica is a graduate of the University of Texas at San Antonio where she earned a degree in Business Management. Working within the finance industry for 13 years she focused on sales, service and compliance issues and has carried that experience over to her real estate business. Her level of commitment is evident as she has been recognized consistently for her integrity, sincerity and quality of character. Monica is also passionate about giving back to the community and is actively involved as a member of the Friends of the Board of the Ronald McDonald House, a member of her church, and has been a member of the Junior League of San Antonio since 2006.
Monica loves many things, including real estate, but aside from that she is surrounded by the love of her husband Phillip, sons Erich and Matthew, and a cocker spaniel named Cookie.